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At Dusk, With Foam (Group Art Show)


Curated by SunDogs Studio (IG: sundogs_studio)

Featuring work by:

Jess T. Fang (IG: @jesstfang)

Kevin Perez (IG: @papo.cucaracha.vertedero.el3ro)

Andy Vible (IG: @fatfingers)

Sam DJ Bear

Ray Mak (IG: @mazuvision)

Frog Wing (IG: @theparhelia)


Opening Night: October 28th, Friday, 7-9pm

Closing Night: November 13th, Sunday, 7-9pm

Opening/ Closing night DJ: Justin McDonald (@grizmostreet)


Show statement:

In the space between Dying Grass Moon (October) and Frost Moon (November), Curio Room + SunDogs Studio presents inaugural art show “At Dusk With Foam,” featuring the works of six artists- some based locally in Mount Kisco, and some from nearby regions yonder.

The artists and works chosen for “At Dusk With Foam” all reference some awareness of liminal statuses- questioning legibility and challenging recognization/ familiarity. Whether these involve blurring geographical/ cultural definitions, moral edges, or apparitions in the Uncanny Valley… The viewing experiences trace along boundaries, musing at the difference between life-and-death versus Funny-Haha. Together, this collection of pieces embody that creepy glee and joyful chill found before-and-after All Hallow’s Eve.

The name of the show was stolen directly from the Wikipedia article for “Liminality”- more specifically, in the “Folklore” section, which gives examples of various folkloric figures who can only be killed in liminal spaces. Citing the Encyclopedia of Religion, the contributing writer describes how Vritra, a Hindu drought-demon, was slain by Indra during neither day nor night, but “at dusk, with foam…”

Following this, the rivers began to flow again.

We chose this phrase for how it encapsulates that vague state, using simple, clear words which anyone can understand. May the light of ambiguity serve as tools to vanquish one’s fears and obstacles.

October 20

IG Takeover by Simone Johnson

October 27

Book Reading with Ed Perratore: “Hindred Spirits” and “The Coven Tree”