Hindred Spirits
by Ed Perratore
Paperback (new, signed by author)
The spirit world is their only refuge. Nightly, while most children sleep, others pursue a more basic goal, recovery. These are the mistreated, the physically and emotionally abused. And in Hindred Spirits, the youngest cope by willing their spirits to exit their bodies for a few precious hours.
Natalie Leffingwell, nine, learns this power following one harsh beating from her abusive father. Seeking relief from the pain, she watches as first a finger, then her hand, rises from her resting body. The spirit world, she finds, is devoid of pain, a place to join others with similar hardships—and play where no grownup can follow. Her one rule: to protect her body from physical threats while her spirit soars aloft. In case of danger, children out “ghosting” must quickly re-enter their bodies.
Despite her caution, unforeseen circumstances trap her in this ethereal realm. Denied her mother’s love, denied Heaven, there is but loneliness. Natalie needs a friend like her. She resolves to win that friend...even if she has to kill for it.
Categories: novels, horror, local author
by Ed Perratore
Paperback (new, signed by author)
The spirit world is their only refuge. Nightly, while most children sleep, others pursue a more basic goal, recovery. These are the mistreated, the physically and emotionally abused. And in Hindred Spirits, the youngest cope by willing their spirits to exit their bodies for a few precious hours.
Natalie Leffingwell, nine, learns this power following one harsh beating from her abusive father. Seeking relief from the pain, she watches as first a finger, then her hand, rises from her resting body. The spirit world, she finds, is devoid of pain, a place to join others with similar hardships—and play where no grownup can follow. Her one rule: to protect her body from physical threats while her spirit soars aloft. In case of danger, children out “ghosting” must quickly re-enter their bodies.
Despite her caution, unforeseen circumstances trap her in this ethereal realm. Denied her mother’s love, denied Heaven, there is but loneliness. Natalie needs a friend like her. She resolves to win that friend...even if she has to kill for it.
Categories: novels, horror, local author
by Ed Perratore
Paperback (new, signed by author)
The spirit world is their only refuge. Nightly, while most children sleep, others pursue a more basic goal, recovery. These are the mistreated, the physically and emotionally abused. And in Hindred Spirits, the youngest cope by willing their spirits to exit their bodies for a few precious hours.
Natalie Leffingwell, nine, learns this power following one harsh beating from her abusive father. Seeking relief from the pain, she watches as first a finger, then her hand, rises from her resting body. The spirit world, she finds, is devoid of pain, a place to join others with similar hardships—and play where no grownup can follow. Her one rule: to protect her body from physical threats while her spirit soars aloft. In case of danger, children out “ghosting” must quickly re-enter their bodies.
Despite her caution, unforeseen circumstances trap her in this ethereal realm. Denied her mother’s love, denied Heaven, there is but loneliness. Natalie needs a friend like her. She resolves to win that friend...even if she has to kill for it.
Categories: novels, horror, local author